
White Sands FCU will NEVER contact you directly to request any of your account information, including:

  • Social Security Number

  • Debit Card numbers

  • Security Code or CVV

  • PIN - Personal Identification Number

  • Online Banking Login Information

  • Verification Codes

  • Passwords

If someone contacts you and requests this information or your account details by phone, text, or email, do not share any information.

Please contact us at our Call Center at (575) 647-4500 to report any suspicious activity.


Security and Safety

At White Sands Credit Union, protecting your money and personal information is a top priority. Swindlers take advantage of innocent consumers daily through computer viruses, email, text messaging, fraudulent checks and ATMs, and they're using the latest technology to pull off their scams.  Know the latest trends to protect yourself.  Read these articles and tips on how to avoid becoming a victim of fraud and scams:

White Sands FCU has implemented the following security measures to protect your account and personal information:

  • White Sands FCU’s website is a secure site. Look for the padlock and also notice that the URL address will start with HTTPS://

  • A site without a padlock or any  URL starting with HTTP:// is not secure

  • White Sands FCU requires an 8-character alpha-numeric password

  • White Sands FCU uses watermarks or personal images to help you identify you are logging into your actual Online Banking account

  • White Sands FCU also has security challenge questions that may be prompted at any time to help identity who is actually logging in

You are ultimately responsible for protecting your user IDs and passwords and performing periodic checks of your computer systems for these types of vulnerabilities. If your user IDs and passwords are compromised, you may be at risk of a financial loss.

We cannot advise you as to all the potential threats to the security of your computer system or network so if you have particular questions or concerns we recommend that you contact a computer security specialist to help you secure your computer system to protect your financial information and combat fraud.

Please remember, White Sands Federal Credit Union will never ask for your personal identification number (PIN) or Debit Card number information via email, text, or phone. If you receive any such email request, DO NOT click on any link or enter any information and notify us immediately at 1-575-647-4500 or call us toll-free at 1-800-658-9933.


On January 14, 2020, Microsoft ended support for Windows 7. Computers running Windows 7 will still function but Microsoft will no longer provide the following:

  • Technical support for any issues

  • Software Updates

  • Security updates or fixes

The National Cyber Security Centre (NCSC), part of the U.K. Government Communications Headquarters (GCHQ) has warned against performing internet banking, emails, or any “sensitive” account access from using with Windows 7.

NCSC, the public-facing arm of the cyber spy agency, said that devices still using the operating system after that date will become increasingly vulnerable to cyber-attacks as the tech giant stops patching weaknesses in its product.